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ETF-variant 2023 Asset Allocation


The Vanguard mutual funds in my Vanguard 100 asset allocation may not be available for non-US investors. Here is an equivalent asset allocation consisted of exchange-traded funds (ETF’s).

Style Allocation Symbol
Large Cap Value 12% VTV
Large Cap Blend 12% VOO
Small Cap Value 20% VBR
Small Cap Blend 20% VB
Real Estate 5% VNQ
Int’l Value 6% EFV1
Emerging Markets 13% VWO
Int’l Small Cap 12% VSS
Total 100%
This post is part of an ongoing series on my investing career, which consists of three stages: design, grow and withdraw.
I am not a financial advisor. Do not take my words as financial advice, ever. Please do your own research and/or consult a professional before making any financial decisions.

  1. Vanguard does not have an ETF for international value style. I am substituting with iShares’ EFV. ↩︎